Electricity Shock First Aid

Last updated: 5 Oct 2023  |  4515 Views  | 

Electricity Shock First Aid

What's needed when there is an electricity shock?

Electricity shock could be a severe accident and the cause of death if it's not been properly taken care of.

Let's see what do you need to do when facing the accident

  1. Beforehand, start with choosing the certified products with quality to start with so you'll have less worry about what will happen in the future. There are certain certifications for each country and you must make sure to check the product qualification for it so that it can be properly used with the right elcetricity.
  2. Be careful not to let the wet hands touch the power plug, it's the main cause of electricity shock to the body.
  3. If the switch or power socket is damaged, make sure to have it properly fixed or replace it with the new one.
  4. Do not directly touch the person who got electricity shock; not only it won't help them but you'll also face the same effect. You can wear electrical-safety rubber gloves or use anything that is electrical insulated such as clothes to help the needed person




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